Sunday, November 4, 2018

Difficulties in the fight (7)

In the US, the main opposition to the fight against climate change is very easy to spot. Because they are the government and the fossil fuel producers.

Image result for trump vs climate change

The fact that the government is one of the main opposers to this fight is very interesting. President Trump has been doing everything in his power to create an ally for climate change in the US. This started when he pulled the US from the Paris Climate Agreement, even though the US is one of the top producers of carbon dioxide in the world. Trump is weakening regulations put in place on carbon emissions, companies, and fossil fuel producers. Trump switched the EPA's goal from protecting the environment to protecting polluters and has even removed all evidence of climate change from the EPA website.

Image result for trump vs climate change

President Trump also has been favoring the production of fossil fuels over the increase in renewable energy, which is dangerous for the environment because frakking, mining and the means of collection of these fossil fuels are as harmful as the emissions they produce.

Now that we understand the struggle between the fighters and the opposers, the next post will give us some ways to help in the fight despite all of the opposition.

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