Sunday, November 11, 2018

My Opinion on Climate Change (10)

So why am I so interested in all of this? Why am I so inclined to write a blog about this topic?

Growing up I had no knowledge that the world around me was being threatened. That all changed when I began taking agriculture courses. I quickly learned and accepted that our world has been threatened by climate change and that it was a bigger issue than agriculture. I have written and talked about climate change in many of the courses that I have taken while in college and those experiences have essentially sparked the fire that made me want to become an agricultural communicator. The research that I have done on this wide topic has forever changed my viewpoint on the world, I no longer see the world as this endless supply of resources. I see it as finite and calling out for our help. I'm writing this not because I have to, but because I truly want to help save the world by informing people about this issue that is all around us.

Image result for climate change

I'm just one person, but together we can save the world.

Thank you for reading my blogs about global warming! If you want me to continue blogging, feel free to comment (or give constructive criticism) and share with your friends!

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