Saturday, November 10, 2018

Opinions of Others on Climate Change (9)

Everyone who reads this or knows me knows what I think about climate change and I have been curious to see what others think of the issue.

When I asked friends, family and the people I work with about what they think of climate change, I got a whole array of answers.

Many do not believe it because it still snows in the winter and is cold some days. Many think its a hoax because of the media talking about it, or they believe Trump and his "fake news" response to the issue. I have also heard that people think it to be a recurring cycle of the Earth so it won't destroy life.

Some of the people I talked to had no side on the matter because they have heard both sides and did not feel a need to pick a side. Many were just confused about the science behind it and why it is happening now.

Many people are firm believers in climate change for the same reasons that I talk about. Others because they noticed that the summers were becoming hotter and hotter, and the winters milder. I also met people who have done the research and believe because the facts are there.

I am curious to see what my readers think of this issue, where you stood before reading this and if it changed your mind at all? Feel free to comment or send a message.

Next post will be my own personal blog about what caused me to write this and my opinions on the issue.

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