Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Global Action (5)

What is being done by the world to address the issue of global warming?
The simple answer: many things!
Here are a few...

The Paris Climate Agreement
Image result for paris climate agreement

In 2015, all of the nations of the world came together and signed an agreement to limit the global temperature increase to combat global warming. These changes include more regulation on carbon producing businesses, less reliance on fossil fuel energy, and implementing more environmentally friendly policies. This agreement has proven to be a momentous success with many countries already meeting their long-term goals.

Renewable Energy
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Renewable Energy is on the rise! If more energy comes from renewable energy than fossil fuels, then the world will be on its way to eradicating carbon emissions. These new energy options are becoming cheaper and cheaper to the point where they will be cheaper to produce than fossil fuels. These renewable energies include solar, wind, hydroelectric, geothermal, and biomass/biofuel.

Sustainable Agriculture Practices
Image result for sustainable agriculture

With the increase in agricultural technology, producers are now able to make their practices more sustainable than ever with productive but environmentally friendly techniques. It is the hope of producers that they will be able to produce more sustainably in order to limit their input of methane and carbon dioxide into the air.

These are some of the major global action steps that I found most notable. The next post will show an example of how a small island became a world leader in the fight for renewable energy and against climate change.

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