Saturday, October 27, 2018

Warning Signs of Climate Change (3)

Despite what any political figure or energy company states, Global Warming & Climate Change are very real issues that are threatening the entire world. To make the case even stronger, there are many warning signs that symbolize that Climate Change is happening all around the world.

1: Temperature is Increasing

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As stated by Hansen and climate researchers, the average temperature is increasing every year. This is not a normal function of the Earth and is extremely threatening to the planet and its inhabitants.

2. The Oceans are Warming

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The Oceans have been absorbing the increasing heat which in turn causes the oceans to increase in temperature. This is very threatening to the sea life of the oceans and our most delicate and important ecosystems: the coral reefs. This increase in temperature of the oceans also has the capacity to increase the effectiveness of the Greenhouse Effect.

3. Disappearing Ice and Snow

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Ice and snow are disappearing all across the world. The ice caps and ice sheets are melting giving way to higher sea levels. The glaciers are retreating northward, the mountaintops have less snow cover, and the winter snowfalls are starting later and melting earlier each year. All of these changes are effects caused by the increase in temperature brought by global warming.

4. Extreme Weather and Natural Disasters

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The effects of Climate Change and Global Warming have on the weather systems and natural disasters are alarming. Droughts are worse than ever and last for longer in the most vulnerable regions of the world. Dry forests and grasslands are prone to the worst wildfires we have seen in decades. Hurricanes are occurring more frequently and are more powerful than ever, with this year's hurricanes being the devastating Florence and Michael.

These are the warning signs that the Earth is throwing at us. The Earth is doing all it can to combat global climate change, so we should too.

The next segment will go into some more detail about the causes of global warming & climate change.

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