Sunday, October 28, 2018

The Sources of the Problem (4)

Carbon Dioxide is the main enemy of the people. Carbon Dioxide is one of the primary greenhouse gases along with methane, that causes the Greenhouse Effect to wreak havoc upon the Earth's climate.

Now, what are the sources of these greenhouse gases? Let's explore a few.

Industry & Production
Image result for industrial revolution

Ever since the dawn of the Industrial Age and the Industrial Revolution, the output of carbon dioxide has been increasing greatly. Even though we have since taken strides to eliminate the smoggy cities of industry, our usage of fossil fuels and industry have still allowed for the carbon dioxide input that fuels climate change.

Image result for world war 1 artillery explosions

Even though relatively small, it is still worth mentioning that warfare produces a ton of carbon dioxide. Warfare has always been a producer of carbon dioxide with the use of artillery in the times before the gun and has since increased tenfold with the use of the gun and more means of destruction. The 2 world wars contributed greatly to the carbon input and the development of new weapons as time went on continued this cycle of carbon production through various wars and conflicts.

Image result for agriculture cattle

Methane is even more potent than carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas, and one of the largest producers of methane is agriculture, especially in the cattle industry. Even though methane is one of the most harmful greenhouse gases, it brings up an important and ethical question, if we want to remove methane from agriculture, how will we feed the world?

The next segment of our journey takes us to the global action that is occurring to combat climate change.

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