Wednesday, October 24, 2018

What was Climate Change back in 1988? (2)

Let's take a step back in time to the 1980s when the talk of the future was flying cars, time machines, and hoverboards.

During this time, there was a NASA scientist by the name of James Hansen. Hansen was a climate scientist and had done extensive research on the noted rising temperatures across the world.

Image result for james hansen      Image result for james hansen
James Hansen Testifying to Congress                              James Hansen Today

In 1988, Hansen released 3 different theories for the path of Global Warming.

The bolded line represents the observed temperature changes by year up to 1988, and then there are three scenarios of where the global temperatures will lead. Scenario A predicts a rapid increase in temperature by year. Scenario B predicts a more "reasonable" increase temperature which is similar to what was observed before. Finally, Scenario C predicts that the temperature changes will level off and remain steady.

Here are some clearer graphs of the scenarios.

Since the 1980s, climate scientists have been recording the annual temperature changes and have found that the most "plausible and reasonable" scenario was closest to the actual changes. 

These reports were not the only contribution that Mr. Hansen delivered. Also in 1988, Hansen testified before Congress urging them to take precautionary action against the growing threat of climate change while it is still early. 

In his testimony, Hansen describes the climate models of the three scenarios as well as the threat of the greenhouse effect and its impacts on the scenarios. The testimony was used to help the climate scientist to gain more support in developing more sophisticated data models and predictions.

Because of his work, Hansen is regarded as one of the most prominent figures in the science behind climate change. 

Thank you for reading part 2, continue to the next segment where I will be talking about the warning signs of Climate Change.

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